

Toledois amunicipalitylocated in central Spain, 70km south ofMadrid. It is thecapitalof theprovinceofToledoand the autonomous communityofCastile–La Mancha. It was declared aWorld Heritage SitebyUNESCOin 1986 for its extensive cultural and monumental heritage and historical co-existence ofChristian,MuslimandJewishcultures.

Toledo is known as the "Imperial City" for having been the main venue of the court ofCharles I, and as the "City of the Three Cultures", having been influenced by a historical co-existence of Christians, Muslims andJews. In 1085, the city fell toAlfonso VI of Castileas the first major city in the ChristianReconquista. Toledo has a history in the production ofbladed weapons, which are now popular souvenirs of the city.

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