

Mauritius, officially theRepublic of Mauritius, an Indian Ocean island nation, is known for its beaches, lagoons and reefs. The capital and largest city isPort Louis.The island of Mauritius was visited during theMiddle Agesby the Arabs and then by thePortuguese, who named itDina ArobiandCirne, respectively. The island was uninhabited until theDutch Republic established a colony in 1638, with the Dutch naming the island afterPrince Maurice van Nassau. The Dutch colony was abandoned in 1710, and, five years later, the island became a French colony and was namedIsle de France. Due to its strategic position, Mauritius was known as the "star and key" of the Indian Ocean.

Thepeople of Mauritiusaremultiethnic, multi-religious,multiculturaland multilingual.Along with the other Mascarene Islands, Mauritius is known forits varied flora and fauna, with many speciesendemicto the island. The island is widely known as the only known home of thedodo, which, along with several other avian species, was made extinct by human activities relatively shortly after the island's settlement. Mauritius is the only country in Africa whereHinduismis the largest religion.

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