

Harar, formerly writtenHarrarand known to its inhabitants asGē,is a walled city in easternEthiopia. It was formerly the capital ofHarargheand now the capital of the modernHarari Regionof Ethiopia. Located on a hilltop in the eastern extension of theEthiopian Highlands,Harar has been a major commercial centre, linked by the trade routes with the rest of Ethiopia, the entireHorn of Africa, theArabian Peninsula, and, through its ports, the outside world.Harar Jugol, the old walled city, was listed as aWorld Heritage Sitein 2006 byUNESCOin recognition of its cultural heritage. It is sometimes known in Arabic asمدينة الأَوْلِيَاء"the City of Saints". According to UNESCO, it is "considered 'the fourth holy city' ofIslam" with 110 mosques, three of which date from the 10th century and 102 shrines.

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